Sometimes we will feel stuck, unsure, indecisive, anxious, angry, or depressed. Guess what? We all feel this way at times and while it can feel normal, it isn't normal when it becomes an impairment in the way you function in intimate, familial, social, work, or school environments.
I practice through an existential lens to counseling/therapy, so (together) we can arrive at a solution/and or resolution to whatever obstacle life throws your way. If this sounds appealing to you, please feel free to give us a call or send us an email so we can reach out to assist you.
I tell people therapy is like a road trip. Have you ever been on a road trip? Have you been the driver or have you been the passenger asking the driver to look at different sites? Usually it can go a little sometihing like this...
Two people driving from Chicago to California, with time constraints, to attend an event that happens once a year. They have been traveling for about 8 hours of their trip.
Passenger: WOW!!! Did you just see that?!!!
Driver: (shrugs and speaks softly) No, I'm driving and I have to keep my eyes on the road.
Passenger: OMG that was so dope!! Can we turnaround or check it out and is there enough time to look at it closely?
Driver: (slightly annoyed) No, we have to get there by 8:00 AM!
Passenger: Oh, okay...2 Minutes later...
Passenger: OMGossssshhhh did you see that?
Driver: (irritated) No, I told you like 7 times that I am driving and I can't see, because I am paying attention to the road.
This happens all the time. We are so busy keeping our eyes on the road of life, we will miss things because we are trying to stay present. Now imagine two people and one is your therapist on a road trip.
Therapist (passenger): Hey did you see that? That is pretty spectacular.
Driver: (sighs) No, I am too busy driving to get to our destination.
Therapist (passenger): well I think we should turn around because there is not a rush to get to our destination and I think it would be valuable to turn around and check it out because it will help us on our journey.
Driver: (shrugs & points) why not and there is a place we can turn around.
When you and your therapist/counselor arrives at that place not only are you fascinated but you are enlightened and you are thankful you had a chance to turn around and see that site. He/She will ask you different questions related to that site before heading back to the car to arrive at that anticipated destination.